The Mount Making Project


A project exploring object making and object support in Aotearoa NZ, led by mount maker and artist Sophia Smolenski in collaboration with 22 artists from around Aotearoa. Made possible with the help from Creative New Zealand.

The Artists




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Karl Fritsch 

German born jeweller, Karl Fritsch, is now based in Pōneke with partner, Lisa Walker. Fritsch is classically trained at the Goldsmiths College in Pforzheim and went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under Professor Otto Künzli.

His work critiques the preciousness of materials in that he uses both precious and found objects in his practice, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Fritsch was awarded the Herbert Hoffman Preis and in 2006 was awarded the Francoise van den Bosch Award.

The mount Karl Fritsch chose: