The Mount Making Project


A project exploring object making and object support in Aotearoa NZ, led by mount maker and artist Sophia Smolenski in collaboration with 22 artists from around Aotearoa. Made possible with the help from Creative New Zealand.

The Artists




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Laurie Steer

Laurie Steer is an artist-cum-potter based in Mount Maunganui in the Bay of Plenty. He has a Master of Arts from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and was one of the last apprentices that trained under the late Barry Brickell at Driving Creek Railway. Since then, he helps run the DCR classes and residencies and sits on the Ceramics NZ Council.

His work interrogates ideas around power, value and mythology. This led to his self-proclamation that he was the “best potter in the world” as a nod to the idea of mythos playing a role in the artist/and their art. In that sense, this performative element is a fun poke at the art market.

The mount Laurie Steer chose: