The Mount Making Project


A project exploring object making and object support in Aotearoa NZ, led by mount maker and artist Sophia Smolenski in collaboration with 22 artists from around Aotearoa. Made possible with the help from Creative New Zealand.

The Artists




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Moniek Schrijer

Moniek Schrijer is a maker based in Te Awakairangi Lower Hutt, and graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Arts before completing a PgDip at Whitireia. Her work sits at the intersection between jewellery and object, and often utilises found materials that she adapts to fit within her work.

Scrhijer was recently awarded the McCahon House Residency in 2021, and has a number of accolades under her (studded) belt like the Herbert Hofmann Preis in 2016 and the Francoise van den Bosch award in 2015. In 2017 she was awarded the Wellington City Council/Asia New Zealand Foundation award to travel to China as artist-in-residence. Her work has been exhibited across Europe and America.

The mount Moniek Schrijer chose: